Senior News

Life Membership for popular trainer

Long time Bunbury Football Club trainer Jim Etteridge was recognised for his contribution when presented with Life Membership at the 2016 Presentation Evening.

Always a very humble man Jim was almost speechless when the award was presented to him. The announcement was meet with a standing ovation by the players who wanted to recognise his contribution and show their appreciation.

Jim simply acknowledged it a great honour and that he thoroughly enjoyed helping the young players of the club come through and achieve success.

Jim has contributed almost 2 decades to the Bunbury Football Club being one of the first through the gates on Sunday match days and one of the last to leave the change rooms after all the tidy up is done.

His work though doesn't stop there as Jim makes himself available to assist players during the week and also help any junior footballers who come by the club.

When he isn't in his trainer role Jim is cleaning the gymnasium and looking after that part of the club.

The nomination of Jim for Life Membership was put forward by several long standing members of the club who all commended him for his service.

