Club News

BFC History Archive Project

The history of the Bunbury Football Club dates back to the 1890s at the start of the AFL in the greater Bunbury region. Unfortunately not all of that history has been well preserved much has been lost or is sitting in the photo albums of past players, members and supporters. The days when the club was known as Railways were a special era and we need to find as much information as possible from that period, along with the period 1950-1980 before cameras became far more popular.

Can you help the club preserve the priceless images from time gone by?

Pictures of premierships sides, fairest & best, building of the club, social occasions and the days at the Bunbury Recreation Ground are what we are looking for.

As an example the club recently came across 60 slides (you have to be old to know what they are) from the 1950-1960 periods.

Those images were taken to professionals who scanned them for the clubs records with some now on this website and more to come. No one knows who took these photos yet they were color images long before the days when they became popular.

In the midst of these slide were:

- 4 color images of the great Max McGuire
- Aub Henning and Murray Edwards walking across Hands Oval on Grand Final Day
- Graham Tidy launching into a three-quarter time speech (might have been a spray)
- Hayward Medallist John Rogers striding across the ground
- The unfolding of Premiership Flag in 1960 
- Fabulous images of the old grandstand at the Recreation Ground.

If you have photos that could form part of the pictorial history of the Railways and Bunbury Football Club please contact us on 9721 4243 or via the contact details on this website

Please enjoy some of the great images on these page links

BFC Hayward Medallists

BFC 1960s Pictures 

BFC Best & Fairest
