
Sponsorship plays a critically important part in the operations of all successful sporting clubs.

Funds contributed by supporters to our junior teams, netball, seniors and ladies football sides are greatly appreciated and help make the club viable and successful.

The Board of the Bunbury Football Club asks that all members and supporters please remember our sponsors whenever looking to purchase goods or services in our local community and feel free to let them know that you support them because they support our club.

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The Bunbury Junior Football Club operates as an independently incorporated body from the senior club board. This enables the junior committee to hold its own bank accounts and manage its operations solely to meet the needs of junior players. The Junior Club provides the opportunity for players male and female to participate in all junior grades from school Year 3 to 12.

The two groups (junior & senior) work cooperatively to maintain the club premises at Payne Park hosting joint fundraising activities during each season.

Junior games are predominantly played on Saturdays, with only some away games occasionally being scheduled for Friday evening in older grades. Training is held for various grades on differing afternoons at Payne Park or nearby Cooinda Oval. Please contact the club to confirm the time for your child's grade.

Junior player registration is normally available from the end of February each season. To contact the Bunbury Junior Football Club please call Kylie Charles on 0408 913 394 or Rick Charles on 0407 953 930

Click Here for Fixtures for the junior season.  

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In preparation for this season's Women's AFL in the South West the Bunbury Football Club is seeking to gauge interest from girls and ladies who would like to play at Senior & Junior level.

To do this we are seeking players to register for both competitions.

If you are interested in registering for the Senior Ladies AFL please contact Bob Hislop on 0427 345 565 or Steve Bilcich on 0427 261 552.

If you are interested in registering for Junior Girls AFL please contact Kylie Charles on 0408 913 394.

Former WAFL State Captain and 215 game East Fremantle Champion Steve Bilcich will be the BFC Senior AFL Ladies Coach this season.



